Delivering eCommerce EP 3 Michelle Read Kulig

Chris Parsons Season 2 Episode 3

DELIVERING ECOMMERCE is a weekly podcast & live-stream hosted by me, Chris Parsons. Along with industry experts around the globe and my 20 years plus in retail, we tell our stories and have some fun along the way.

Please join me as I interview Michelle Read Kulig

#eCommerce #Customerexperience #consulting

A results and people focused marketing executive who thrives when leading teams through transformation informed by insight. Deep experience in digital, social media, loyalty program design and customer relationship management. 

I deliver value through breaking down silos and building processes and plans that align company, product, service and brand informed by data and insights. I ask 'why' and 'why not' and am willing to take chances, to test and learn to improve performance, gain efficiencies and build better customer experiences, products and brands which align to organizational priorities.

I have progressive experience across industry verticals, on both the agency and client side serving BtoC and BtoB audiences.

Chris Parsons